Today I went to see the highly anticipated screen adaptation of "For Colored Girls" directed by Tyler Perry. I was skeptical because I have been deceived more than once by the emotionally charged trailers of Perry's films only to be disappointed in the end. Thankfully "Colored Girls" was excellent. The film not only brought the original choreopeom to the big screen, but pulled you into the characters lives and made you feel like they could be your cousin, aunt, neighbor or friend.
Divine |
Rashad |
Goldberg |
Above are my favorite characters. The all-star cast including Whoopi Goldberg, Phylicia Rashad, Janet Jackson, Anika Noni Rose, Thandie Newton, Kimberly Elise, Loretta Divine and Tessa Thompson did a great job of demonstrating the seriousness of the issues each of their characters were dealing with. I liked that Tyler kept most of the soliloquies, but if you hadn't read or seen the original you may not have understood it. The movie was full of raw emotion--evoking feelings of passion, disbelief and disappointment, but never despair. Though the movie didn't end on a high note, I really enjoyed it and wouldn't mind seeing it again.
To both Tyler Perry and the cast, job well done!